Frankfort Drama News
Frankfort Drama 21-22 Interest Survey
Mr. Tippett is busy planning next year’s drama season. At this time, we are planning to have a “normal” or “nearly normal” year. Covid prevented many students from participating last year. Creating a plan, not knowing approximately how many students may want to...

The Frankfort High School Drama Club proudly presents The Frankfort Drama Revue. The Revue is constructed on a variety show format and features multiple scenes and vignettes from well-known plays, as well as some more obscure works. This is the student’s first...
Welcome to our NEW website!
Welcome to the Frankfort High School's new website. This is your one stop shop for all things Frankfort Drama! Please check back regularly as we update our site with the latest Frankfort Drama information.
I was blown away with the talent of everyone who auditioned. This is a good thing because both shows are truly ensemble pieces. I am very excited to start work on both of these shows. I have not yet begun to look at the scheduling issues. I am well aware of multiple...