The Frankfort High School Drama Club proudly presents The Frankfort Drama Revue. The Revue is constructed on a variety show format and features multiple scenes and vignettes from well-known plays, as well as some more obscure works. This is the student’s first theatrical production in over a year due to the pandemic.

The show will debut on Friday, May 7th, 2021 at 7 PM on the front lawn of Frankfort High School. Patrons are encouraged to bring a chair or a blanket to enjoy a more comfortable experience. There will be a second performance on Saturday, May 8th, 2021 @ 6 PM. Admission to the production is free; however, donations will be graciously accepted.

The Revue is directed by Andrew Tippett. It stars veteran seniors Katelyn Judd, Leah Rome, Victoria Shely and Halle Simons. Also appearing in the show are Baron Hardy, Hailey Hayes, Hannah Hayes, Reed Peters, Campbell Stahl, Kiara Taylor, Rebecca Vaught, Elizabeth Vaught and Kylee VanAtter.

All participants will be expected to follow covid safety procedures, such as social distancing and masking. Any announcements regarding delays or cancellations due to inclement weather will be made from the drama club’s Facebook Page at For more information you can reach out to Mr. Tippett at [email protected]