by atippett | Jun 19, 2022 | Performances
The Frankfort High School drama club proudly presents Anne of Green Gables, the final show of their 2021-2022 season. This classic production will open on Saturday, June 4th at 3 PM. A second showing will be held on June 4th at 7 PM. This production will close on...
by atippett | Nov 28, 2021 | Performances
The Frankfort High School drama club proudly presents our annual Christmas production: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever written by Barbra Robinson. The production is a heartfelt holiday show that has been put on by the Frankfort Drama Club for over 28 years and is...
by atippett | Jun 9, 2021 | Performances
The Frankfort High School Drama Club proudly presents The Frankfort Drama Revue. The Revue is constructed on a variety show format and features multiple scenes and vignettes from well-known plays, as well as some more obscure works. This is the student’s first...