The Frankfort High School drama club proudly presents our annual Christmas production: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever written by Barbra Robinson. The production is a heartfelt holiday show that has been put on by the Frankfort Drama Club for over 28 years and is returning after a break due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The show opens on Thursday, December 9th, 2021 at 7 PM in the Karen Kimmel Hatter Theatre at Frankfort High School, 328 Shelby Street. Performances will also be held Friday, December 10th, and Saturday, December 11th also at 7 PM. The show will close on Sunday, December 12th with a matinee at 3 PM. No advance tickets will be sold. Admission is $8.00 for general admission and $4.00 for students/seniors.
“I’m extremely excited to witness the return of the Best Christmas Pageant Ever, especially after having to miss it last year due to Covid. It’s a fun, timeless show to watch, and we’ve had a lot of fun putting it together,” said Actor Lucy Saunderson.
The play opens with an unsuspecting mother, Mrs. Bradley (Abby Biggs) thrust into the position of directing her church’s annual Christmas pageant. However, her plans for an unremarkable pageant are thwarted when her son, Charlie (Easton Pennington) unknowingly entices the biggest, baddest kids around to come to church. The Herdmans: Ralph (Isla Wallis); Imogene (Lucy Saunderson); Leroy (Will Back); Claude (Hank Childers); Ollie (Gianna Gannone); and Gladys (Madelyn Pennington) have a reputation for destruction, chaos, and black eyes (plus the occasional bite mark). The Herdmans sign onto the Christmas pageant and Mrs. Bradley desperately tries to keep the show on the road, however, the question lingers, will the Herdmans ruin the tradition or will the pageant be changed for the better?
Also appearing in this show are the following talented actors: Jack Gilbert, Kaleigh Curry, Olivia Oberlin-Brown., Elena DeSantis, Abby Vaught, Anthony Gannone, Wyatt Schweickart, Eli Brown, Laney Isaacs, Emily Vaught, Chloe Webb, Emerson Bond, Helen Powell, Haylie Hayes, Kylee VanAtter , Campbell Stahl, Amelia Wilkerson, Hannah Hayes, Rebecca Vaught, Kiara Taylor,, Charlotte Wilkerson, Cosette Wallis, Lucy Redmond, Layla Burgess and Baron Hardy
The show is under the direction of FHS Theatre Director Andrew Tippett. Sophomore Samuel Gilbert is serving as Student Director. Kiara Taylor is the stage manager for this year’s production. Additional technical assistance is being provided by Hannah Hayes, Mackenzie Meredith, Elizabeth Vaught., Vance Meuller, Campbell Stahl, and Marae Mallard.
For further information, email Andrew Tippett at [email protected]. You can also find the latest FHS Drama club news at The play is presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals Inc.