Auditions, Monday, 10/25/21 Karen Kimmel Hatter Auditorium PLEASE ENTER USING THE ALLEY SIDE DOOR.

YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER at (Click on the audition tab. There is a lot of valuable information on that page.) AUDITIONS OPEN TO SSS & FHS STUDENTS ONLY! (Community auditions are canceled due to COVID)

GROUP 1: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM GROUP 2: 7 PM – 8 PM GROUP 3: 7:30 – 8:30 PM

There are a limited number of slots for each group.

PRIOR TO COMPLETING THE AUDITION FORM – 1. Please review the tentative schedule 2. New Students should complete the 21-22 Membership form

REMINDER – Completing the audition process earns you 25 drama points!